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Film Farsi / Iranian telenovela


Have you ever been super melodramatic in a show, and felt you could still

dial it up to 11? Do you find yourself constrained by the realities of normal life?

In this course, we will focus on the format of FilmFarsi (literally: Persian Movie), with its own flavour of overacting, plot twists, music transitions, and action sequences! You will work on how to let go, and be that little bit more extra.


In the increasingly international world of improv, how do we play with people from backgrounds different from our own? 

How can our improv shows reflect the richness of our lands, histories, and cultures? 

How do we use our differences to create unique and beautiful scenes where everybody feels included and connected? 


Join this workshop to 

  • Build cross-cultural settings

  • Find immediate connections with people from any part of the world

  • Play engaging characters from very different backgrounds

  • Level up your scene work through intercultural context



Do we have courage to be seen when we have no control over the out come? To let go of the tools and tricks we have accumulated to stay safe on the stage? Unlock fears and shame, explore our stage presence, be loved by the audience and take them though a journey and enjoy wherever it takes you.

“The most dangerous stories we make up are the narratives that diminish our inherent worthiness. We must reclaim the truth about our lovability, divinity, and creativity.”

-Brené Brown

From Doodling

to Performing

We improvise because we like taking risks , taking a chance to surprise oneself, to discover a new way of doing things. To feel free and use our mistakes to discover something new.

And most importantly  "to connect to ourselves, to other people and to the environment."

In this workshop I will share with you another path to get to all the beautiful things we love about improv. Via drawing, sketching and doodling.

What can we learn from this art form to use on the stage? how to find out inner freedom before offering it to the audience? how to enjoy every little stroke and believe that no stroke needs to be erased? what can we learn from composition to imply to understanding of space on the stage? 



Bouffons are comic characters whose profession is to make people laugh. They are a shapeshifting chorus of wild creatures, like the fools of the kings and the lords. They entertain and use insolence. 

How can we use our own Bouffon in Improv? Together we will dive deep into the physical world of Bouffon.

The Bouffon state is an extreme state of play. The strength of the Bouffon world is their sense of ensemble. To feel free as a group and a safe place to let go and lose up. It's a powerful tool to develop a completely new feeling for your improv. And it's fun!

You will be guided through exercises, games that promise to invigorate and encourage you to find the pleasure in play as a group and solo. Concluding with Bouffon ensemble experiments. 

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